How Much (Or How Little) Should A Man Should Shampoo His Hair?

“I’ve heard you’re not supposed to wash your hair everyday. Is this true? And if so, why?”
– Scott, Toronto, ON
The jury’s still out on this one. Some salon stylists will swear daily shampooing will dry your scalp out, while others will swear it’s all a myth. This really all depends on how much sebum your skin produces, a natural oil that comes from tiny glands found just underneath the skin. These little sebaceous glands reside all over your hide, save for the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet. If your scalp is flake city, chances are you’re skin in that area is not secreting enough sebum. But, if you’ve got dandruff — which is similar to flakiness but not the same — there’s a chance your scalp’s got too much sebum, which allows crap like dandruff to thrive. Do the right thing and consult a dermatologist already. They’ll help you treat either condition the best way possible.